Warrington charity launches free weekly supper club to help with cost of living crisis

A Warrington charity has launched a free weekly supper club where people with mental health conditions can enjoy a tasty hot meal and receive information and advice on the cost of living.

Warrington Day Service, which is operated by the national adult health and social care charity Making Space, is offering the hot meals every Thursday until 15th June.

Local residents who experience mental health issues can drop into Warrington Day Service on Allen Street between 5pm and 8pm to enjoy a meal and a hot drink and receive free, confidential advice. The menu includes a choice of mains and desserts, with diners voting for the following week’s supper each week.

The supper club, which is funded and supported by Warrington Borough Council and Warrington Voluntary Action, will offer a warm, friendly and safe environment for people to make new connections and receive support and information.

Kerry Paighton is the manager at Warrington Day Service. She says: “The cost of living crisis is causing real hardship and anxiety for many Warrington residents and is affecting people’s health and wellbeing.

“Many people are experiencing poor mental health for the first time, while others are experiencing a worsening of their existing condition. By coming along to the supper club, they can enjoy a hot meal, make new friends and access support and information.

“We’d particularly like to reach new people who don’t currently attend the day service. Everyone is welcome and they’ll find a friendly, welcoming space with people to talk to, activities to take part in and connections to lots of other groups in the community.”

The supper club is free to attend, and no referral is required. However, as numbers are limited, those interested in attending are advised to call Warrington Day Service on 01925 652204 to ensure availability.

Making Space is also appealing for people who are interested in volunteering at the Warrington Day Service to get in touch, as well as those interested in finding out more about a career in care.

“We´ve experienced a steady rise in demand for all our services across Warrington and the UK,” says Phil Orton, chief people officer with Making Space.

“The Warrington Day Service does excellent work in helping to ensure thousands of people receive the services and support they need.

“We wouldn’t be able to do this essential work without our team of dedicated support workers and volunteers – many of whom started working with us after attending our services.

“We’re committed as an employer to offering flexible working practices that give everyone opportunities for employment, in a way that suits them. And everyone who works with Making Space, whether as a volunteer or employee, receives free training and access to formal qualifications that can lead to a rewarding career.”

If you’d like to find out more about volunteering opportunities at the Warrington Day Service or other services across the community, go to www.makingspace.co.uk/get-involved/volunteering

To find out more about a career in care and current vacancies at Making Space, see www.makingspace.co.uk/about/work-for-us. No experience is required, and all relevant training will be provided.

Written for Sara Teiger PR
